Almost Erryday, B. Nah, Not Really.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Umm.... yeah. lol figure it out cause, idk.

Something I see
an upside down picture
in the back of my eye
projects forward,
fun mirrors
correcting the fucked,
perfecting the blemishes of life,
hiding the fact that
NO, I am not standing up,
yet, PARALLEL to the
rest of the UNIVERSE.
We all are.
Only ones who stand upright are in
the cold, and wonder,
why did they freeze to death?
Even those who are upside down
why did they freeze to death?
No two polar extremes of perception
shall prosper,
so get like the rest of us.
I ponder,
can it see itself
faking the ideas
of my own head? A
live depiction of
my active imagination,
it EXISTS only in the occipital,
where IN my mind fucks itself
and what was REALITY is no longer visible,
clouded by a lust for what I want which is
also what I need--
for my eyes.
My eyes are my worst deceptor,
these divine creations are divinely....

Why do these eyes plague me?
Why is it that
when I close my eyes,
the whole world seems clearer?
In the dark, I can feel the reality,
the heat,
the movement,
and when I step into the swarm
of contradiction, I can FEEL the deception,
I can FEEL the truth,
I can FEEL destiny.
So then, why must I be tempted
to open my eyes again?
Seems as if your OWN eyes are the windows into your OWN soul,
what you see is what you want.
what you DON'T see is what is truth.
Ah, I prefer blindness.

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